March 26 - April 18, 2009

by Murray Mednick


801 East 4th Place - Los Angeles, CA  90013

As the Hopi prophecy of Koyaanisqatsi (a world out of balance) unfolds, a dysfunctional Jewish family comes to terms with their own existence.  The ancient Native American trickster, Coyote, makes ready for the end of this world with his only accomplice - a 13-year-old boy.  

A part of Padua Playwrights Masters Series' Tribute to author Murray Mednick, Zoo District has developed this World Premiere of Mr. Mednick's to be a wild ride through the psyche of humanity on the precipice.   


Directed by: Kristi Schultz & Brian Frette'

Featuring: Kim Fitzgerald, Laura James, Mike Lion, Kelly Van Kirk, Scott Victor Nelson, Kelly Van Kirk, Michael Shamus Wiles, and Yvette Wulff

Production Design by Gerri Rigg and Johnny Apollo.  Set Design by Matt Aston. 

Lighting Design by Dan Reid.  Costume Design by Johnny Apollo. 

Site designed by
Buddha-Cowboy Productions